A criminal defense lawyer should be retained as soon as possible after you have been arrested. You are entitled to feel nervous in such a situation. But you should not hire the first lawyer who will schedule an appointment. Do your research instead. It is a good idea to save a number for a lawyer if they are not able to meet with you right now, read this!
You may want to consider a lawyer with experience, especially when you are facing a serious criminal charge. You should make sure the lawyer that you select has a specialization in the type crime for, which you are being prosecuted. You may want to investigate the kind of relationship that your attorney has with office that prosecutes you. Is this lawyer “well-known” in the circuit or not? It could be useful to your case.
If your attorney is fair, honest and ethical in court. Judges will respect them. They will know instantly that this lawyer is knowledgeable and will not waste court time.
You might even be able avoid trial by having your lawyer negotiate with the prosecution.
The reputation of your attorney is very important. Your attorney’s reputation could be the key to reducing charges or agreeing to a plea bargain.
When you’ve narrowed down the list of candidates you want to hire, contact the Bar Association that serves your area and ask if they have any recent or significant complaints. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau and ask the same questions, as well as to see how the firm is rated. Do not be shy to ask the lawyer for references. It is important to actually contact these people to find out more about the attorney. Do a search on the Internet to find references of your lawyer in past cases.
The importance of hiring a good criminal defence lawyer, regardless of whether you have been accused of committing a minor or felony crime, cannot be overstated. If you know that your lawyer does what they do, then it will make you feel a little more secure in knowing that your best interests are being represented. Pick an attorney whom you can trust, who is concerned about you and your case.